Friday, January 19, 2007


So a few months ago I purchased my first Victoria’s Secret bras. See previous post “Locked, Loaded and Looking Fabulous”. I have heard they were amazing and I was in need of more coverage so I purchased 3 bras. Let’s just say I was VERY happy with my purchases. I felt that they did make a difference compared to the Wal-Mart bras I had been purchasing (by the by – nothing horribly wrong with bras purchased from Wal-Mart…I still buy some from there). The big thing was I was really happy to think that these bras would last me a longtime and I justified spending that amount of money on 3 articles of clothing that you will not see and do nothing more than lift and support!

So I took good care of said bras and I have to admit that I looked pretty fabulous in these things. I was up an entire cup size and I had a little more confidence and a bounce in my…lets just say step! So you can understand that I was a little upset when a couple weeks ago one of my bras broke. Yeah, you heard me….my angel bra (I think that’s what it is called) is done. It was a typical day and T & I were out when I noticed something digging into me. I later made it to the restroom and realized the under wire was poking out of the bra and poking into me! UGH! I tried to push it back in, but to no avail….the under wire could not be fixed. So then I thought I would just take the under wire out of the one side and try wearing it like that but the bra was just uncomfortable like that. So then I decided to take out both wires….I don’t need those stupid things anyways, right?!?! WRONG! Apparently this bra looses it’s ability to function properly without it’s under wire b/c while logically I thought it would work; when I actually wore it for a day I was popping out all over the place…grrr. (I have to admit I am still perplexed on why without the stupid underwire these things don't work properly?!?!) So now this cute lavender with lace bra is sitting in my drawer – I haven’t brought myself to throw it away yet. I am still thinking that maybe I can come up with a way to fix it…..which means it will most likely be in my drawer for the next 10 years.

In good news, the other two bra’s seem to be working just fine – However, the one I got is a going out bra because this thing lifts…and then lifts some more and when you think it could do any more it pushes in…it is crazy!!! So I have only worn it a couple times - and so help me it better not break anytime soon! So needless to say I was a little upset. I have heard nothing but great things about VS bras and a mere 3 months later I have a casualty with one of the best boob holders I have ever had. I won’t give up on VS yet, maybe it was just a fluke or something. I may go back in a couple months and try something else….but in the meantime back to the Wal-Mart :(


  1. I also had an underwire issue with a VS bra. I asked my brother's friend who works at a VS about it and she said I was probably wearing the wrong size (I guess a log of women wear the wrong size), so I went in to get measured and they don't have my size in the store. I went back to Wal-Mart's bras as a result. I think I have to buy them more often, but I guess I don't mind.

  2. You know, I had seen something on Oprah about people who wear the wrong size so I actually went in and got measured there when I bought these bras so i wouldn't waste money....go figure! It is annoying more than anything, not just becasue the money but it was a REALLY cute bra and was very comfortable! :(

  3. Anonymous7:05 AM

    My Target bras always last longer than VS bras. I can buy a lot more of them too. I feel your pain that makes me sick when I spend that much and it doesn't last any longer than that.

  4. take the bra back to VS, explain that you would like to stay a fully-satisfied VS customer, and ask if they will trade the bra for you. it couldn't hurt.

  5. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I agree with Malissa. All they can do is say no and besides they fitted you in that size. It's not like you're wearing a bra that is two sizes small. Surely they'll want to keep you as a happy customer.
