Monday, January 08, 2007

I have a problem

So this isn't that unusual but I am right here, right now admitting I have a problem. I have problem with shoes. But here is the thing, it isn't JUST that I have SO many pairs of shoes (i think around 50 pairs - please say that isn't alot) but more so the problem is that I buy shoes and hardly ever wear them. I LOVE the shoes I buy - I really do.....but normally I may only wear them a couple times or sometimes not at all! I tend to buy shoes just because the pleasure I get from buying them! I really don't understand this! I keep all my shoes stacked in either the shoe boxes I purchase them in or I go out and buy clear, individual shoe box containers for them. I have them all stacked up in my closet (not organized yet since the move....but will be!)

I tend to limit myself to just a couple NICER pairs a year - my splurge shoes - and other than that I buy my shoes at Target, payless, kohls or Dillards. I ALWAYS buy shoes on sale, that is part of the enjoyment I think.....get great shoes at a great price. But I feel bad that I tend to wear the same half a dozen pairs all the time while the others are just sitting in my closet waiting and hoping that some day I will put them on my feet and show them to the world! I mean as a pair of shoes, what pleasure in life would you get sitting in a a shoe you are only happy walking around the world on the feet of your owner (but I digress).......

So this weekend I went to payless and bought 4 pairs of shoes for $46 - YAY!! Two are the pairs shown above (I may go back and get the top pair in hot pink too) and the other two are awesome black boots. Side note: The only problem I have found with Payless is you usually have to buy shoe inserts to make heals/dress shoes more comfortable, but otherwise the shoes are great!!! Now I know I will wear the black boots as I do not have a pair of black boots but I am worried about the two above. I WANT to wear them, but in the morning when I am getting ready I tend to go to the same old shoes out of habit and familiarity (and comfort as my current shoes are worn in). So why do I continue to buy the shoes - I don't know....THAT'S THE PROBLEM!!!! I think I need help! I feel bad spending the money (however let's remember they ARE on sale) but I just like to buy tons of different varieties/styles of shoes because they are cute and someday I may just want to wear that perfect shoe somewhere.

I may have to enroll in shoe anonymous tomorrow! :(

1 comment:

  1. I have the exact opposite problem - I don't have any shoes. Well, obviously, I have some shoes - a pair of black sandals, a pair of brown sandals, two pairs of black boots (one knee-high), a pair of brown boots, those brown and pink shoes from Target, a pair of brown shoes and a few pairs of flip-flops. Yep, I think that's my entire inventory of shoes. Sad, huh? There has to be a happy medium!
