Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Waking Up Is Hard To Do!

So first I am going to say how EXTREMELY appreciative I am of the time I get off during Christmas break. We get a lot of time, being at a college, and I know most places do not have that “benefit”. My husband, infact, only gets Christmas Day and New Years Day (thank goodness this year the eve’s fell on Sunday and he got that off too) but typically that is all he gets. So once again I am very happy to get the time off.

With that said, it doesn’t mean it is easy getting up after time off. We all know this, whether it is 3 days or 11 days off, it is hard getting up once you adjust to certain sleeping habits or staying up past your bedtime! As exciting as it is to see familiar faces and a good friend at work, I have to tell you that today was not only a struggle to wake but also a little confusing and thus taking more of my time to get ready!

What confused me:
- This morning my ears were confused by the sound of the alarm
- My body was confused by the having to get up early (considering the past week I have been waking up at a time that is still considered morning – but barely)
- My feet were confused by work shoes
- My morning routine was confused as this was the first time I have gotten ready for work at our new place
- I was confused by how to do my hair (see Not So Much below)
- I was confused by actually doing my make-up (I never wear make up but with my new hair I feel it is important)
- My rings didn’t want to go on my fingers this early
- My cats were confused why I was leaving as they were use to me spending all day lounging around with them….P.S. they wanted me to stay so bad one actually got sick on the carpet this morning in an attempt to get me to stay – silly cats!
- I had a new route to take to work which wasn’t confusing but more so different
- My new route to work does not take me by Starbucks which is just crazy!

However, even with as tired as I am and all the “confusion” this morning it is nice to get back to work and not have to worry about students this week, see friends, get off work at 4:30 and see everyone is refreshed and in good moods! It makes it easier to make it through the day when you know everyone feels the same way you do at this moment…tired yet refreshed from the long break!

(So when is our next day off????)


  1. Monday, January 15!

  2. You know, waking up can be quite a chore. I mean, just today I could not wake up until 1:22pm. And it was SOOO damn difficult to get up after that snoozer. But as of five days from now, I'll be getting up at 8:00, a time that should be banned in colleges across the nation. Not internationally though; they are in different timezones.

    And you can play with my significant other all you want. I won't get jealous. Now, if you take my high score, then there'll be a Jerry Springer size brawl going down in your new place. How's that for breaking the house in?

    I mean, if Belle will play with Will all she wants, I'll let you play with my darling Roberto (that's right.... the guitar's name is Roberto). He's a class act. But his whammy bar is squeeky. That could be a problem down the road. Isn't there a procedure for that kind of stuff? I'm sure plenty of guys get squeeky whammy bars from time to time....

  3. *tears* LOL - K. you are SO funny!

    Yes, I do think there is a procedure to fix that squeaky bar - but T & I wouldn't know, being squeak free and all (yeah I am a lucky girl)!

    As for taking the high score....please - do you not remember me trying to play some of those songs?!?! With only three buttons I still managed to not get a single cord right in some of the songs! haha, I will say this only once so listen well - you are a rock hero goddess!!!
