Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A Pic. For My Sister (ok and me too)!!!

This is Jared Leto.

I posted this picture for my sister.
(and for me)

We both think that he is VERY Hott!!!

Some may not agree or like him but I don't care!

He is DEFIANTLY on my gorgeous - and do you see his blue eyes?!

I Also LOVE the band 30 Seconds to Mars (which he is in) & I highly recommend their CD.

(That is other point to this posting except to announce how gorgeous I think he is. I am sorry if this wasted your time, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do....I know you all understand.)


  1. I'm sorry, what were we talking about? I started reading your blog, but then I saw the picture of Jared. I ended up falling out of the chair and hitting my head on the computer desk.

    Thank you for giving me the most perfect concussion possible! I will return the reward.

  2. love, love, love him. he is seriously dreamy.

  3. I think he's cute, too.


  4. Amen. Cute.
    Thanks for commenting on my new blog!
