Sunday, January 14, 2007

You Tasty Evil!

So last night T & I went to the movies and of course had our traditional snack of popcorn. T gets his with butter and salt mine plain. It is such a tasty treat at the movie theater that we enjoy so much during the movie! We try to avoid the popcorn, but it is is so tempting and so delicious! Yes, popcorn is great........ that is until the movie is over and we are on our way home and then this tasty treat turns evil!

Our lips begin to feel dry and need lots of chap stick, we are so thirsty and all we want to do is drink tons of ice water, we got what we call popcorn belly (where you get little cramps in your belly from the popcorn - creating gastric eruptions), we spend the rest of the evening trying to remove popcorn kernals from our teeth, and overall we just have soar and uncomfortable bellies. Now it isn't like we gorge ourself with popcorn either, but this happens every time we partake in movie theater popcorn - no matter how much or little we eat. And yet, for as uncomfortable as we are the rest of the evening after our popcorn treat we go to bed (after taking a few Tums) very happy! And we know the next time we go to the theater we will once again get our popcorn, knowing the consequences but not caring because we can not watch a movie without this tasty and yet evil snack! It is the ultimate evil temptation...well at least in regads to snacks!

1 comment:

  1. What movie did you go see? Juan and I went to Rocky Balboa.
