Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Trip....We are Finally Taking a Trip?!?!?!

So my Floridia friend is getting married on March 17 in the beautiful state of floridia! Floridia in March - AWESOME!!!

So since T & I never got a honeymoon and the hooneymoon/vacation we were going to take to Ireland this year got pushed back till summer of 2008 (because we bought the house) we thought we would take a couple extra days off and spend some extra time in FL while also going to our friends wedding - YAY!!! We have not been on a trip for a few years when we went to New Orleans with my family and T & I have never really taken a long distance trip together just the two of us - I am super excited!

But here is the thing folks - I am trying to search for flights and good deals and as I do not take too many trips I am a little lost. I have searched some online places but I don't know which ones are good/reliable. Any suggestions on which online travel places I should look for or is it cheaper to book right through the airline (T. prefers Northwest - don't know why) or should I try through AAA? Any help would be MUCH appreciated!

YAY - we are going on a trip/mini honeymoon!!! YIPPIE!


  1. I always use Orbitz. Two of my friends are pilots and highly recommended the site over their own airlines' sites - it's never let me down. (P.S. Congrats!!)

  2. How exciting!!!! I want to go on a trip so bad! (Don't have ANY vacations until mid-April... er.)

    I get deals from Spirit a couple times a week... Like, we're talking 32 cents per flight sometimes...

    I'll forward them your way if I see anything that might work for you and T:)

  3. I've used Orbitz many many times. They've always been great, and I wouldn't hesitate to use it again!

  4. Ok, I ALWAYS use Works beautifully.

    Look for flights online on Tuesdays before midnight.

    Also, most airline sites allow you to "reserve" flights for up to 48 hours, that way, if you find something on a different airline, you can choose what you want.

    Also, if you find a great flight on a site that compares a bunch of different airlines, go directly to that airline's website for an even better deal.


    Good luck and CONGRATS on the trip. I hope you two have an awesome time. You SO deserve it.

  5. i second the use of Travelzoo.
    Also, try
