Friday, January 19, 2007

Making A Statement

Making A Statement!

So I have LOVED the band Green Day for a long long time!!! I mean, who didn't have their CD "Dookie" in your CD player in High School?!?!?! I still have it in is such a great album!

But besides their great music I like their message and what they have to say (American Idiot cd = awesome)! They have a political message as well as a positive message to teenage kids and I really like that! That is why I was very excited to see Green Day performing with U2 (another great band that has poitically charged music) playing at the Super Dome in New Orleans last year during the half time show! They covered the song "The Saints are Coming" during the show! AWESOME!!! You can just feel the excitment of the crowd and if you watched the game it was very emotionally charged and awesome!! The video in this post is the actual video they made for the song (it is a MUST watch). I just dare you to watch this video and not get emotional. Everytime I watch the video I think of what happened with the hurricane in New Orleans and the lack of help the governement provided. Watching the video you just think "what if"...

You know I am a HUGE fan of music and one of my favorite things is when musicians use the amazing gift they have to make an important statement. Sure, music should be entertaining but I also believe that great musicians can create not only music that is entertaing but also music that has a point, can be emotional, make you think, get you through hard times, has a positive message or makes a political statement. I am not saying every song they write has to make a statement, but you have the freedom of speech and the ultimate means of which to get a somthing out there....why not use it?!?!

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