Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I still wish.....

As I woke up this morning and saw a decent pile of beautiful snow covering the ground a part of me thought for a moment.....I wonder if work will be cancelled?!?! Of course I knew it wouldn't, but I don't think I will ever stop wishing for work to be closed or delayed on account of the snow. Remembering that feeling we got when we were kids and our parents came in and said....sleep in, you don't have to go to school today - a part of me will always hope for that on days like today.

Instead, reality sets in and I have to go outside and clean off my car, drive the 20 some miles to work on a slushy highway, deal with the bad drivers and slushy snow hindering my vision, salt and snow on my pants, and the wish of how much on a day like today I would rather be at home curled up under a blanket watching a movie with my cats then be at work.

So now I will just look out my window at the snow as it continues to cover the ground and trees and keep wishing for that day when I too will once again have MY snow day!

P.S. the snow does look very beautiful outside my window!


  1. What a wonderful thought... I used to love those mornings!

  2. I'd feel bad for you, but I feel worse for myself...

    my husband got the day off, got to sleep in, got to cuddle in a blanket and watch [sports replays] with our cats.

    so, I get to be jealous too!

  3. (Is this a bad time to rub in where I currently reside?)

  4. No, K...you can't get ANY snow days :) so you're the unlucky one!!! HeeHee!
