Tuesday, January 09, 2007

It's Coming for me.....

It's coming and I don't know what I can do to stop it!

I am achy all over, very tired, have the beginnings of a sore throat, my nose is dripping, it hurts in my lungs when I breath, and I am coughing off and on! I am getting a sick :( I thought I was lucky and made it through this last batch of sicknesses going around without getting anything - but it appears I was mistaken.

I think I am going to take Nyquil and go to bed!


  1. Let me preface this by promising that I am not some weird health freak - try echinecea. I was a non-believer at first, but now couldn't live without it.

  2. OH! Feel better!

    Get lots of rest and drink lots of fluids!


  3. Oh, feel better J. Take a multi-vitamin and up the Vitamin C-intake.

    A - you're right. I'm a HUGE echinacea believer, as well. However, if you're already sick, it's too late. Try taking it on a regular basis to ward off illnesses...

  4. Oh no!!! Bring on the Nyquil! (Just this once, J, then you must go to sleep without that, Tylenol PM, etc.)

    Hope you feel better!
