Thursday, September 21, 2006


I had my first Hot Apple Cider from Starbucks of the season!

I am SO excited, I love hot apple cider - ecspecially on mornings like today when it was chilly! I splurged today, but on weekends I love buying cider from the store and heating it up and adding cinnimon and some honey - so good!

I LOVE fall!!!


  1. You are so silly sometimes! But the Starbucks apple cider is good...I had some last night.

    I'm glad and honored that you would have me in your wedding. I honestly made that thing up on the spot because I realized my written speech was crap (it has since been burned...literally). And I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    And yes, I am that good for getting 'perverted' into the speech. Yes...yes.

  2. HAHA, you are awesome K!
