Saturday, February 17, 2007

Iron Maiden....bringing people together since 1975

So just a little observation I have made over the years in regards to my husband, Iron Maiden and Iron Maiden fans.
Everytime we go out and T. has one of his many Iron Maiden shirts on he will run into some stranger and they will start talking about Iron Maiden. It is crazy!! Over the years so many people we don't know start talking to T. b/c of Iron Maiden. Case inpoint. T. was wearing an Iron Maiden shirt today and as we were leaving Red Lobster I stopped to use the little girls room. When I came out T. was in convo with the door reservation guy about the band. Talking about their last concert, CD and other bands similar to Iron Maiden. They carried on for at least 5 more minutes after I came out! T. does not start these conversations...people start talking to him!
And like I said, this is not the first time this has happened. It happens more times then I could imagine! And I think it is awesome! It is like you never know who these fans are but they are die hard and not afraid to talk to other fans. T. doesn't understand it either - he just says it is because these people just know how awesome Iron Maiden is!! haha! So nice job Iron Maiden...your unique metal sound is bringing strangers closer together and making this world a nicer place!!! :D
Just an interesting observation!

1 comment:

  1. (I don't know why my paragraph spacing didn't work?!?! Damn this new google blog I had to upgrade! UGH! Sorry for everything all bunched together)
