Ok folks, I am in need of some hair advice and there are a few questions I have!
First, I am SHEDDING like it was my JOB. Seriously, if this keeps up I may be bald by my 30th birthday. sigh I have always been a shedder and I know that there are other factors like the changes I have made in my diet recently and the excess stress I have had the past few months that can lead to extra shedding but come on I am constantly pulling more hair off my clothes and from my head ALL. DAY. LONG. Oh no, that is fine hair I didn’t need that handful of you anyway.
So here is my first question, does anyone know if there is something I can put on my hair or a supplement I can take along with my daily vitamin to help with my shedding problem?! Maybe I need more iron or vitamin B, or a wig….I have no clue?!
Second problem. The last 6 months I seem to be having very dry hair and scalp. Ugh. Don’t know if this is related to the shedding or not. I cannot find a good yet affordable shampoo that helps with the dryness. Any suggestions on a good shampoo and conditioner to help with the dry hair? Or any other products that might help with this?
Final question – If you want a change to your hair but are unsure what you want to do to your hair what do you do first? Do you try a new style with the length you currently have? Do you color your hair? Do you just cut it off and go for a drastic new style? Every few years I get this itch to do something different because I get SO bored with my current style, or lack there of, and that boredom usually means cutting off all my hair at the spur of the moment with no real plan. A few months (or hours) after I do it I wish my long hair was back and I hate my shorter hair cut but when it is long I want shorter hair but just can't find a style I like. I am sure we all get in this funk at some point so how do you deal with those moments where you want to change your hairstyle but have no idea where to start?
Please, any advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! I usually don’t care much about my hair, but I need some help…..I turn 30 in 22 days and not only want my hair to stay on my head but want a nice fresh look as I enter my 30's but honestly have no clue where to start!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
There is a Special Blogger Birthday Today!

Guess which blogger friend is having a birthday today?
She is VERY creative (look at the birthday cookies she made if you do not believe me);
Super crafty (Seriously, she makes her very own dolls!!)
Has two of the funniest and cutest little girls in the world (seriously, they are a hoot and just adorable…and my BFF’s now);
Is SO funny; and
Having met her in person can say she is one of the nicest people I know!!
Of course you know her....so click to wish A Couple More Hours a Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday W. I am glad I officially know you! I think you are a very wonderful person!!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
PSA: Ohio Appliance Rebate Program – Get Yours Now!
So incase you haven’t heard, starting Friday, March 26 Ohio residents can reserve and redeem a rebate for the purchase of some ENERGY STAR® qualified appliances. The program ends April 19 for refrigerators, dishwashers, and clothes washers. It ends on May 24 for gas storage water heaters and electric heat pump water heaters.
Our dishwasher died a couple weeks ago and my awesome parents knew this was coming and got all the details and actually went to the Sears friday morning at 6:00 am to get it ordered for us. (Yep, I know they are pretty wonderful!!!) We will have our new Energy Efficient dishwasher joining us on April 1! I also have already got emails with my rebate reservation number and the information I need to complete the rebate steps which Sears took care of for us. Now I just need to have the Sears guy take our dishwasher & sign off when they install the new one then send our completed forms off and wait for the rebate! It seems very easy and quick!
So if you are in need of new appliances, you may want to take a look at this program and see if it will help you save a little money!
Rebates are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Appliances included in the rebate program are:
Refrigerator, $100 rebate (26,000 rebates available)
Clothes Washer, $150 rebate (24,000 rebates available)
Dishwasher, $100 rebate (21,000 rebates available)
High-Efficiency Gas Storage Water Heater, $100 rebate (15,000 available)
Electric Heat Pump Water Heater, $250 rebate (2,000 available)
Eligibility requirements
Instructions and how to reserve rebate online
*If you know you are getting something very soon, you can actually reserve your rebate online and then have three days to purchase it. Just FYI.
Our dishwasher died a couple weeks ago and my awesome parents knew this was coming and got all the details and actually went to the Sears friday morning at 6:00 am to get it ordered for us. (Yep, I know they are pretty wonderful!!!) We will have our new Energy Efficient dishwasher joining us on April 1! I also have already got emails with my rebate reservation number and the information I need to complete the rebate steps which Sears took care of for us. Now I just need to have the Sears guy take our dishwasher & sign off when they install the new one then send our completed forms off and wait for the rebate! It seems very easy and quick!
So if you are in need of new appliances, you may want to take a look at this program and see if it will help you save a little money!
Rebates are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Appliances included in the rebate program are:
Refrigerator, $100 rebate (26,000 rebates available)
Clothes Washer, $150 rebate (24,000 rebates available)
Dishwasher, $100 rebate (21,000 rebates available)
High-Efficiency Gas Storage Water Heater, $100 rebate (15,000 available)
Electric Heat Pump Water Heater, $250 rebate (2,000 available)
Eligibility requirements
Instructions and how to reserve rebate online
*If you know you are getting something very soon, you can actually reserve your rebate online and then have three days to purchase it. Just FYI.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Really Census, You Are Just A Tease.
So that is it? That is all the information you wanted from us? You have had a bunch of commercials, you sent me a letter saying the census was coming, you sent me the actual census, and then you sent a postcard reminding me to fill out my census because it is "mandatory under law" and all you wanted to know about me was my name, age and race?!
For the record Census I like filling out forms and for as much as you spent working me up I think you should have asked more about me. For instance are you interested in my favorite color, maybe my favorite TV show, or how about hobbies I have? Yes maybe you do not need that information right now, though I am sure you could find good use for it, but it would have made me feel like I was contributing more and would think “hey these people really are interested in me!” I guess you are just a tease Census…you pumped me up and got me all excited to fill out your forms and then it was like you didn’t put out at the end of it and then on top of that you threaten me to fill out your boring forms!! Not cool. I feel very disappointed Census; I thought we were going to have something very special.
For the record Census I like filling out forms and for as much as you spent working me up I think you should have asked more about me. For instance are you interested in my favorite color, maybe my favorite TV show, or how about hobbies I have? Yes maybe you do not need that information right now, though I am sure you could find good use for it, but it would have made me feel like I was contributing more and would think “hey these people really are interested in me!” I guess you are just a tease Census…you pumped me up and got me all excited to fill out your forms and then it was like you didn’t put out at the end of it and then on top of that you threaten me to fill out your boring forms!! Not cool. I feel very disappointed Census; I thought we were going to have something very special.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Picture of the Week - Yes, Another Cat Picture.
This is Belle who is halfway under our dresser, just relaxing. Sorry it is a camera phone picture, so a bit blurry. I thought she was acting out the scene in Winnie the Pooh where Pooh Bear eats too much honey and gets stuck in Rabbits door*….I think it was a good reenactment. (*Please note I was going to say rabbits hole but wanted to refrain from cheap play on word jokes. So this is me refraining.)
I enjoy making up funny captions for pictures, and I really love what others come up. So, I thought it might be fun to ask what you think the caption to this picture should be?! I think I might be doing this more often….so get use to it :)
I enjoy making up funny captions for pictures, and I really love what others come up. So, I thought it might be fun to ask what you think the caption to this picture should be?! I think I might be doing this more often….so get use to it :)
“Don’t ask.”
Friday, March 19, 2010
It is Concert Season Again!!
If you know me, it is absolutely no surprise that I LOVES me some concerts!! If there is a band performing in the area that we love then we are there!
So last weekend Kristen and I and some of her friends went and saw MUSE in concert at the Palace in Detroit. Can I just say their show was flipp’n AWESOME! Seriously, one of the best concerts I have ever gone to! I have heard their shows are pretty great as they use a lot of lights, lasers, and giant screens but being there and seeing them and hearing them in person was just amazing. They had an awesome light show, had three moving elevator platforms for each of them to be on during different parts of the performance, they had giant video screens on and above those platforms that constantly played something that visually fit with the songs, and they had giant balloon eyeballs that popped and sprinkled confetti on parts of the audience! (really does it get better than giant confetti filled balloon eyeballs?! No.) Muse was amazing and they sounded even BETTER then they sound on their CD…which is always a fear sometimes when you see people in concert, that they sound horrible live. But that was not even close to the case with these lovely gentleman. They managed to give a true rock concert performance and I seriously was in awe.
CLICK HERE for video footage from this tour. It is suh-WEET.
We actually had perfect seats too, second level but first row. (Good job with that K.) We had a perfect view of the stage and the light show and we had no one in front of us which was great because I could just sit there and chill and take it all in. (Yes I said sit, I might be a bit prudish at times.) Muse sounded perfect and really knows how to put on a visually entertaining show. This is a MUST SEE show. They managed to greatly exceed any and every expectation I had. THAT is why I love music the way I do and LOVE going to concerts, I truly enjoy seeing these artists perform and express themselves in the biggest way they can… LOVE IT!
AND, if seeing this concert wasn’t excitement enough for the year the day before we found out that Iron Maiden…that’s right F'N IRON MAIDEN, is touring again and will be around in July! If you remember, their concert was the BEST concert I have ever seen. You can bet your ass that I will be trying to get tickets....which go on sale this weekend!!
Anyone else seeing any concerts this year?!
(I may want to tagalong!!)
Iron Maiden….July 15 at Blossom!!!!
So last weekend Kristen and I and some of her friends went and saw MUSE in concert at the Palace in Detroit. Can I just say their show was flipp’n AWESOME! Seriously, one of the best concerts I have ever gone to! I have heard their shows are pretty great as they use a lot of lights, lasers, and giant screens but being there and seeing them and hearing them in person was just amazing. They had an awesome light show, had three moving elevator platforms for each of them to be on during different parts of the performance, they had giant video screens on and above those platforms that constantly played something that visually fit with the songs, and they had giant balloon eyeballs that popped and sprinkled confetti on parts of the audience! (really does it get better than giant confetti filled balloon eyeballs?! No.) Muse was amazing and they sounded even BETTER then they sound on their CD…which is always a fear sometimes when you see people in concert, that they sound horrible live. But that was not even close to the case with these lovely gentleman. They managed to give a true rock concert performance and I seriously was in awe.
CLICK HERE for video footage from this tour. It is suh-WEET.
We actually had perfect seats too, second level but first row. (Good job with that K.) We had a perfect view of the stage and the light show and we had no one in front of us which was great because I could just sit there and chill and take it all in. (Yes I said sit, I might be a bit prudish at times.) Muse sounded perfect and really knows how to put on a visually entertaining show. This is a MUST SEE show. They managed to greatly exceed any and every expectation I had. THAT is why I love music the way I do and LOVE going to concerts, I truly enjoy seeing these artists perform and express themselves in the biggest way they can… LOVE IT!
AND, if seeing this concert wasn’t excitement enough for the year the day before we found out that Iron Maiden…that’s right F'N IRON MAIDEN, is touring again and will be around in July! If you remember, their concert was the BEST concert I have ever seen. You can bet your ass that I will be trying to get tickets....which go on sale this weekend!!
Anyone else seeing any concerts this year?!
(I may want to tagalong!!)
Iron Maiden….July 15 at Blossom!!!!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
SO Close Little Buddy
"I am so sneaky....no one will EVER be able to find me in here!!"
This picture cracked me up and I thought I would share! This is our buddy cat, Sebastian, and he is trying to fit into his tiny cat stand. As you can see, he is just a smidge too big!
I think he really wishes he was smaller, especially because Belle is so tiny and easily fits into all the places he can't. Poor buddy...he really is a special cat!
Kristen.....Do you think it is bigger on the inside?!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I Have Said It Before....
.....the people at Google are people I think I would want to know and be friends with. I love all the creative things they do with their logo on their homepage!
I just had to say that, now please feel free to continue to my previous post that I also posted today. :) Two in one day...wowsers!
I just had to say that, now please feel free to continue to my previous post that I also posted today. :) Two in one day...wowsers!
I Believe.....
I have written a few (teehee, just a few…..riiiiiight) things, some more serious than others, that I believe in. FYI, it may be long but it reads quick :)
I believe if you make a product like tissue or toilet paper and it has “Soft” or “Fluffy” in the name or description it should in fact BE soft or fluffy.
I believe springing ahead and losing an hour of sleep is just mean but worth it for that extra bit of day light in the evenings.
I believe that Taco Bell will always be the perfect food after a night of drinking.
I believe that gay couples should be allowed to get married and should have every right as a heterosexual couple has under law. If a gay couple gets married it has NO EFFECT on me or anyone else, but not allowing them to get married makes a huge difference to them. If a church chooses to not marry a couple (any couple for that matter) that is one thing, but the Government should NOT be allowed to choose whether couples of legal age can marry.
I believe women should have the right to choose. But I also believe life is a very valuable and precious gift.
I believe that food brings people together and that it is very important to cook together and eat dinner together as a family.
I believe the seasons should be Fall, Fall, Spring, Fall.
I believe that the bullshit between the political parties needs to calm down. I am TIRED of people not passing or even making an effort to pass items in Congress just because they are trying to move their party’s agendas forward. It is about the people…NOT you.
I believe that a day should not go by without laughter.
I believe that a child’s laugh is the best sound in the world.
I believe that if you so choose you should have days where you eat whatever you want, stay in bed as long as you want, and/or do absolutely nothing around the house that is considered a chore.....and not feel one ounce of guilt about doing so. We all deserve a break.
I believe every stereotype has an ounce of truth.
I believe some people’s fear of God & religion molds their opinions and not in a positive way. I don’t fear God, but rather I fear people who fear God (knowingly or unknowingly) and make judgments/opinions on others based on those fears.
I believe that crying for no reason can be a form of therapy and is ok but if you are always crying you should look for help.
I believe it is ok to ask for help when you need it and to also not be afraid to take help when offered.
I believe that having Faith, praying, and being a respectful person who wants to help others is far more important than just going to Church every week solely because you feel you should.
I believe that the song "Fireflies" by Owl City should be banned from all radio stations…that includes my Yahoo Radio Station that plays it at least 5 times a day. I want to punch myself in the face repeatedly when I hear it.
I believe violence isn’t the answer.
I believe Dr. Seuss is the best author of all time. His books really speak to me….and in a rather lovely rhythmic style.
I believe I made the right choice by voting for President Obama and that he has given me no reason to think I made a wrong decision.
I believe that the Girl Scout Carmel deLites or “Samoas” came from heaven and are truly a gift from God and that is why they can only be sold once a year. Too much of a good thing is bad. (I think that is a commandment or something.)
I believe most of the people in the media are full of crap and do nothing more than release misleading or in some cases straight up wrong information to create fear to get people to watch their news. It is about ratings not reporting.
I believe in National Public Radio.
I believe cats are a wonderful pet and get a bad rap…good thing I have cute kitties and no one thinks that of mine.
I believe there are a lot of things we should NOT be entitled to and that our Government should not provide….Health Care should not be included on that list. I believe some form of universal, government funded health care should be available to those who need it/want it and it is very necessary in our country.
I believe one day, when the time is right, we will have a child.
I believe that Terry going to Cincinnati for a year is going to be incredibly difficult but I believe he is making the right decision and it will be worth it.
I believe that even though we are actually very different, Terry is the perfect match for me and I feel lucky that we found each other.
I believe it is important to listen to others, though you don’t always have to agree with them.
I believe blogging has allowed me to open up more and not be such an introvert.
I believe I love not just blogging but the people I have met through it.
I believe Sunkist is the best carbonated beverage ever.
I believe the newest version of “We Are The World” is stupid.
I believe kindness should be one of the simplest gestures to show towards others but seems to be the hardest gesture for people to demonstrate.
I believe everyone should respect other people’s beliefs, even if they are not your own.
I believe I have typed the word BELIEVE far too many times in one blog post and should stop.
What do YOU believe......
I believe if you make a product like tissue or toilet paper and it has “Soft” or “Fluffy” in the name or description it should in fact BE soft or fluffy.
I believe springing ahead and losing an hour of sleep is just mean but worth it for that extra bit of day light in the evenings.
I believe that Taco Bell will always be the perfect food after a night of drinking.
I believe that gay couples should be allowed to get married and should have every right as a heterosexual couple has under law. If a gay couple gets married it has NO EFFECT on me or anyone else, but not allowing them to get married makes a huge difference to them. If a church chooses to not marry a couple (any couple for that matter) that is one thing, but the Government should NOT be allowed to choose whether couples of legal age can marry.
I believe women should have the right to choose. But I also believe life is a very valuable and precious gift.
I believe that food brings people together and that it is very important to cook together and eat dinner together as a family.
I believe the seasons should be Fall, Fall, Spring, Fall.
I believe that the bullshit between the political parties needs to calm down. I am TIRED of people not passing or even making an effort to pass items in Congress just because they are trying to move their party’s agendas forward. It is about the people…NOT you.
I believe that a day should not go by without laughter.
I believe that a child’s laugh is the best sound in the world.
I believe that if you so choose you should have days where you eat whatever you want, stay in bed as long as you want, and/or do absolutely nothing around the house that is considered a chore.....and not feel one ounce of guilt about doing so. We all deserve a break.
I believe every stereotype has an ounce of truth.
I believe some people’s fear of God & religion molds their opinions and not in a positive way. I don’t fear God, but rather I fear people who fear God (knowingly or unknowingly) and make judgments/opinions on others based on those fears.
I believe that crying for no reason can be a form of therapy and is ok but if you are always crying you should look for help.
I believe it is ok to ask for help when you need it and to also not be afraid to take help when offered.
I believe that having Faith, praying, and being a respectful person who wants to help others is far more important than just going to Church every week solely because you feel you should.
I believe that the song "Fireflies" by Owl City should be banned from all radio stations…that includes my Yahoo Radio Station that plays it at least 5 times a day. I want to punch myself in the face repeatedly when I hear it.
I believe violence isn’t the answer.
I believe Dr. Seuss is the best author of all time. His books really speak to me….and in a rather lovely rhythmic style.
I believe I made the right choice by voting for President Obama and that he has given me no reason to think I made a wrong decision.
I believe that the Girl Scout Carmel deLites or “Samoas” came from heaven and are truly a gift from God and that is why they can only be sold once a year. Too much of a good thing is bad. (I think that is a commandment or something.)
I believe most of the people in the media are full of crap and do nothing more than release misleading or in some cases straight up wrong information to create fear to get people to watch their news. It is about ratings not reporting.
I believe in National Public Radio.
I believe cats are a wonderful pet and get a bad rap…good thing I have cute kitties and no one thinks that of mine.
I believe there are a lot of things we should NOT be entitled to and that our Government should not provide….Health Care should not be included on that list. I believe some form of universal, government funded health care should be available to those who need it/want it and it is very necessary in our country.
I believe one day, when the time is right, we will have a child.
I believe that Terry going to Cincinnati for a year is going to be incredibly difficult but I believe he is making the right decision and it will be worth it.
I believe that even though we are actually very different, Terry is the perfect match for me and I feel lucky that we found each other.
I believe it is important to listen to others, though you don’t always have to agree with them.
I believe blogging has allowed me to open up more and not be such an introvert.
I believe I love not just blogging but the people I have met through it.
I believe Sunkist is the best carbonated beverage ever.
I believe the newest version of “We Are The World” is stupid.
I believe kindness should be one of the simplest gestures to show towards others but seems to be the hardest gesture for people to demonstrate.
I believe everyone should respect other people’s beliefs, even if they are not your own.
I believe I have typed the word BELIEVE far too many times in one blog post and should stop.
What do YOU believe......
Monday, March 15, 2010
Today is a VERY special day as today is my lovely sister’s birthday!!! Being just a smidge older then my now 22 year old sister, I remember clearly the day I got to see her for the first time and actually hold her. Older sister mode kicked in at that very moment and I think I became instantly protective of her and knew I wanted to be there for her always and never let anything bad ever happen to her. 22 years later I am still protective of her and I still always want to be there to share in good times with her and comfort her in bad times. However, I would have never guessed back then, that K. and I would have this amazing friendship we have now and be as incredibly close as we are. She is my best friend and I feel so thankful to not just have a younger sister in my life but have someone who means so much to me and is far more than just a sister or a friend. Everyone needs that person for whom they can sit on a couch, watch crappy reality TV for hours with while also eating an entire box of Cheez-its in one sitting and enjoy every moment of that time together!
Kristen, I am SO very proud of the women you are becoming and feel so lucky to have you in my life. You mean the world to me and I will always be there to dry your tears, help you up when you fall (or laugh when you trip down the stairs), listen when you need to talk and of course lend tons of advice even when you do not want to hear it. I will cheer you on with all your successes and comfort you when you need support and I will always be there to laugh at the jokes no one else gets. I know you are going to do amazing things in your life because you are a truly amazing individual. My wish for you this year (and always) is that you are completely happy with yourself and find that path in your life that YOU want to take. This is YOUR life and you need to find the confidence to do the things that make you truly happy.
I love you bunches!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
So Should I Add Facebook and Texting to my Resume?!
So I was in Cincinnati last weekend and I was in my hotel, bored, and reading through some local papers/ads I had picked up (in an attempt to familiarize myself with the town my husband will be living in for a year) when I skimmed across the following job posting:
"Marketing, Promotions, Event Planner Manager
Hiring for XXXXX in downtown Cincinnati on Fountain Square. This job will require booking parties, Happy Hour events, etc. by e-mailing, texting, telephone answering, operting the company facebook, working with the Convention Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce and others."
Besides the fact that this is just a vague and I feel bad job description, I highlighted a few areas of interest. First being that the word operating is spelled operting. I think accurate spelling in a two sentence job posting is fairly important. Obviously, they are looking for a Marketing Editor as well….if anyone is interested.
Next, since when did booking parties by texting become the appropriate means of which to do business in the Marketing/Event world? I know I have been out of the event world for a few years but is this how things are done now?! “Big prty 2nite @ XXXX. Hope 2 C U there. RSVP 2 me ASAP. CU Soon!!” I mean, really. And BTW (just practicing for the job) when did actually texting become a skill set in a professional job?
Um, telephone answering? Besides the wording of this I just want to say DUH!! sigh Moving on.
Operting the company facebook. Now I realize that facebook is the new thing when it comes to marketing and many businesses are starting a facebook page and I think that is great because it is a fast way to have access to many people but does it need to be added to the job description in a newspaper ad right after telephone answering? Answer - not so much.
My point is, when I was looking for a job a couple years ago I started noticing how sloppy & unprofessional job descriptions were getting both online and in print and how places that I believe to be good places to work seemed to have very shoddy job descriptions. Now granted I know in this economy you can’t turn your nose up to every job just because you don’t like the wording in the job description, but a job description like this makes me think this job is nothing more than a joke. As much as I would love planning happy hour events, operting facebook, texting and telephone answering all day I think this job description sounds perfect for a 16 year old.
And this was not the only job description that had issues. Lazy.
Dear companies – Take a little pride in your available jobs, even if it is just facebooking and texting all day.
P.S. As an actual event planner, I am a bit insulted by how many jobs get labeled “Event Planner”. I think they just throw around that job title on any job that deals with scheduling something for a business because it seems hip and cool to have an Event Planner position. Anyone who has been a REAL Event Planner knows that, though it is a fun job at times, it is FAR more than just hosting parties and putting dates in a planner and it is a job that can kick your ass and is not always easy.
Ok, hold on while I find a way down from my soapbox.
I am not even looking for a job right now, but I can only imagine if this is how bad it is now what it will be like in a few more years!!
"Marketing, Promotions, Event Planner Manager
Hiring for XXXXX in downtown Cincinnati on Fountain Square. This job will require booking parties, Happy Hour events, etc. by e-mailing, texting, telephone answering, operting the company facebook, working with the Convention Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce and others."
Besides the fact that this is just a vague and I feel bad job description, I highlighted a few areas of interest. First being that the word operating is spelled operting. I think accurate spelling in a two sentence job posting is fairly important. Obviously, they are looking for a Marketing Editor as well….if anyone is interested.
Next, since when did booking parties by texting become the appropriate means of which to do business in the Marketing/Event world? I know I have been out of the event world for a few years but is this how things are done now?! “Big prty 2nite @ XXXX. Hope 2 C U there. RSVP 2 me ASAP. CU Soon!!” I mean, really. And BTW (just practicing for the job) when did actually texting become a skill set in a professional job?
Um, telephone answering? Besides the wording of this I just want to say DUH!! sigh Moving on.
Operting the company facebook. Now I realize that facebook is the new thing when it comes to marketing and many businesses are starting a facebook page and I think that is great because it is a fast way to have access to many people but does it need to be added to the job description in a newspaper ad right after telephone answering? Answer - not so much.
My point is, when I was looking for a job a couple years ago I started noticing how sloppy & unprofessional job descriptions were getting both online and in print and how places that I believe to be good places to work seemed to have very shoddy job descriptions. Now granted I know in this economy you can’t turn your nose up to every job just because you don’t like the wording in the job description, but a job description like this makes me think this job is nothing more than a joke. As much as I would love planning happy hour events, operting facebook, texting and telephone answering all day I think this job description sounds perfect for a 16 year old.
And this was not the only job description that had issues. Lazy.
Dear companies – Take a little pride in your available jobs, even if it is just facebooking and texting all day.
P.S. As an actual event planner, I am a bit insulted by how many jobs get labeled “Event Planner”. I think they just throw around that job title on any job that deals with scheduling something for a business because it seems hip and cool to have an Event Planner position. Anyone who has been a REAL Event Planner knows that, though it is a fun job at times, it is FAR more than just hosting parties and putting dates in a planner and it is a job that can kick your ass and is not always easy.
Ok, hold on while I find a way down from my soapbox.
I am not even looking for a job right now, but I can only imagine if this is how bad it is now what it will be like in a few more years!!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
John, I Didn’t Expect This From You
Ok, have you seen the previews for the Hot Tub Time Machine? I don’t know what to make of this movie….I think it is a joke and by joke I don’t mean a comedy I really mean a JOKE….this can’t be a real movie can it?!
I seriously ADORE John Cusack and have atotally unhealthy crush on him and love every movie he does, but I don’t understand why he would ever do a movie like this. I mean the title itself “Hot Tub Time Machine” is just simply ridiculous!!
Ok, I just watched the preview again and started laughing, but it is SO ridiculous and looks so stupid I shouldn’t be laughing. This movie is a conundrum.
Hot Tub Time Machine?! I mean really, how can you take this as a real movie. Oh John, I expect this from other but not from you. But I will still see this and I will always love youin a totally creepy and stalker type way.
Terry has a theory. He thinks it is a total gag movie, all a huge spoof on bad comedies. A comedy yes, but the most intentionally ridiculous absurd comedy out there!! I hope he is right and that this movie is just SO over the top that it is funny, nah hilarious.
I anticipate this movie to be a small popcorn, bag of gummy worms and share a drink! We’ll see :)
I seriously ADORE John Cusack and have a
Ok, I just watched the preview again and started laughing, but it is SO ridiculous and looks so stupid I shouldn’t be laughing. This movie is a conundrum.
Hot Tub Time Machine?! I mean really, how can you take this as a real movie. Oh John, I expect this from other but not from you. But I will still see this and I will always love you
Terry has a theory. He thinks it is a total gag movie, all a huge spoof on bad comedies. A comedy yes, but the most intentionally ridiculous absurd comedy out there!! I hope he is right and that this movie is just SO over the top that it is funny, nah hilarious.
I anticipate this movie to be a small popcorn, bag of gummy worms and share a drink! We’ll see :)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Come On, Really?!
Alternative title: That Bitch Be Crazy.
Apparently Lindsay Lohan is filing suit against E-Trade for their Super Bowl commercial with the baby for this dialogue:
"And that milkaholic Lindsay wasn't over?" the baby girl asks him suspiciously.
"Lindsay?" the boy replies, just before a baby girl sticks her head into the frame and slurs, "Milk-a-what?"
She believes they are mocking her and Lindsay’s lawyer says the actress has the same single-name recognition as Oprah or Madonna and she wants $100 million for her pain and suffering. Um, Really Lindsay, you think they are referring to you?
As Terry said that greedy bitch is bat shit crazy. Could someone need some money? Maybe she needs to get a real job.
I agree. Get over yourself.
Next story.....
Apparently Lindsay Lohan is filing suit against E-Trade for their Super Bowl commercial with the baby for this dialogue:
"And that milkaholic Lindsay wasn't over?" the baby girl asks him suspiciously.
"Lindsay?" the boy replies, just before a baby girl sticks her head into the frame and slurs, "Milk-a-what?"
She believes they are mocking her and Lindsay’s lawyer says the actress has the same single-name recognition as Oprah or Madonna and she wants $100 million for her pain and suffering. Um, Really Lindsay, you think they are referring to you?
As Terry said that greedy bitch is bat shit crazy. Could someone need some money? Maybe she needs to get a real job.
I agree. Get over yourself.
Next story.....
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Reason #1,368,942 Why I Love My Sister
Because after I am off work for a few days and come back in the “I don’t want to be back here already” funk I find a bunch of post-it notes all over my desk that cheer me up!
This was my favorite!
These are a few of the other notes I found scattered around my desk.
After I took the picture I found two more in drawers. Though I still am not ready to be back to work, this made it easier. I love working with my sister!
Thanks K.!! XOXO
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
This Post May Not Be Suitable For Men.
I know this is not what some would call “a classy post that a lady should write”, so it is a good thing I am not a classy lady. I just had a few things I was thinking about and since they were all related I thought I would put them in the same post. Lucky all of you!
Disclaimer: This post may not be suitable for men.
1. I wish tampon companies would make a tampon wrapper that actually stayed on your tampon when thrown in your purse. Yes I am aware they have little containers to keep them in whilst in your purse or I could throw them in a baggie, but sometimes I don’t always have time and I just grab a couple and throw them in my purse. If not used immediately I may just forget about them and they stay in my purse dealing with the constant movement, transferring of items in and out of my purse, or even the slightest waft of air thus resulting in that ultra thin material covering the tampon to just open and instantly decompose. I would like a stronger material around them not just because I am throwing away open tampons and wrappers that are laying in the bottom of my purse but also to avoid situations where the string of a tampon gets stuck in my wallet so when I am at the store and pull out my wallet I also pull out an unwrapped tampon. Yes I would like to avoid that from happening again as it falls under the slightly embarrassing, never return to that store again during those hours, yet somewhat funny category of my life.
2. Speaking of feminine products, I really wish they would do away with all feminine product commercials. Seeing a tampon commercial where a young model-type girl is jumping in a pond with a bunch of friends while she is on her period just pisses me off. First, if you experience menstrual pain like I do then frolicking around is the last thing on your mind, though I must say I do enjoy a good frolic. I also don’t need to see a girl who looks like she has never experienced a day of bloating in her life and who is just way to happy….especially when I am not happy. Plus I don’t need to see the latest “advances” in tampons. It is a piece of cotton with a string attached that you stick up your who-ha….what else do you need to tell me about your product?! Take a lesson from Massengil Feminine Douche and stop spending money on commercials. Do you remember those commercials?! Horrible, uncomfortable and hilarious all in one! Mother and a daughter walking on a beach “Hey Mom, do you douche?” HAHA Click HERE for the commercial. (I love the word douche.)
3. I wish some grocery stores would put their womanly products in a more inconspicuous place. I am not at all embarrassed to get my products but I would also like a bit of privacy when I am looking through the barrage of scented, unscented, pearl, plastic, card board, horse hair, natural, un-natural, lite, medium, or tsunami tampons that are available. But, for instance, the Meijer in BG has their female products located in the very back aisle right by the milk, eggs, juice and bulk foods. People gather in that area and watch (or at least I believe they do) as you make your selection. I feel like there should be an announcer calling your selections with people booing or applauding the selections you are about to make. GO FOR THE BLUE BOX! WHY DID YOU PICK THOSE ONES YOU IDIOT! No woman on her period needs that kind of judgment and pressure.
4. Finally, I must say that I am truly disgusted of going to the restroom at my place of employment (or any place for that matter) and finding remnants from the person before me left on the toilet seat. (I know gross) I work at a small law firm and we have one restroom for the women and it is typically kept nice and clean. I am lucky in that sense, because I know what it is like to work at a place with literally, shitty restrooms. But we are all polite, respectful women and I feel that it is very rude to not check the seat after you use the ladies room to make sure you are not leaving something there that shouldn’t be there. I mean, seriously THAT is gross. I think if you don’t clean up after yourself you should have to wear a diaper. Too harsh? Nah, I don’t think so!
Aren't you glad I am back to blogging?!
Disclaimer: This post may not be suitable for men.
1. I wish tampon companies would make a tampon wrapper that actually stayed on your tampon when thrown in your purse. Yes I am aware they have little containers to keep them in whilst in your purse or I could throw them in a baggie, but sometimes I don’t always have time and I just grab a couple and throw them in my purse. If not used immediately I may just forget about them and they stay in my purse dealing with the constant movement, transferring of items in and out of my purse, or even the slightest waft of air thus resulting in that ultra thin material covering the tampon to just open and instantly decompose. I would like a stronger material around them not just because I am throwing away open tampons and wrappers that are laying in the bottom of my purse but also to avoid situations where the string of a tampon gets stuck in my wallet so when I am at the store and pull out my wallet I also pull out an unwrapped tampon. Yes I would like to avoid that from happening again as it falls under the slightly embarrassing, never return to that store again during those hours, yet somewhat funny category of my life.
2. Speaking of feminine products, I really wish they would do away with all feminine product commercials. Seeing a tampon commercial where a young model-type girl is jumping in a pond with a bunch of friends while she is on her period just pisses me off. First, if you experience menstrual pain like I do then frolicking around is the last thing on your mind, though I must say I do enjoy a good frolic. I also don’t need to see a girl who looks like she has never experienced a day of bloating in her life and who is just way to happy….especially when I am not happy. Plus I don’t need to see the latest “advances” in tampons. It is a piece of cotton with a string attached that you stick up your who-ha….what else do you need to tell me about your product?! Take a lesson from Massengil Feminine Douche and stop spending money on commercials. Do you remember those commercials?! Horrible, uncomfortable and hilarious all in one! Mother and a daughter walking on a beach “Hey Mom, do you douche?” HAHA Click HERE for the commercial. (I love the word douche.)
3. I wish some grocery stores would put their womanly products in a more inconspicuous place. I am not at all embarrassed to get my products but I would also like a bit of privacy when I am looking through the barrage of scented, unscented, pearl, plastic, card board, horse hair, natural, un-natural, lite, medium, or tsunami tampons that are available. But, for instance, the Meijer in BG has their female products located in the very back aisle right by the milk, eggs, juice and bulk foods. People gather in that area and watch (or at least I believe they do) as you make your selection. I feel like there should be an announcer calling your selections with people booing or applauding the selections you are about to make. GO FOR THE BLUE BOX! WHY DID YOU PICK THOSE ONES YOU IDIOT! No woman on her period needs that kind of judgment and pressure.
4. Finally, I must say that I am truly disgusted of going to the restroom at my place of employment (or any place for that matter) and finding remnants from the person before me left on the toilet seat. (I know gross) I work at a small law firm and we have one restroom for the women and it is typically kept nice and clean. I am lucky in that sense, because I know what it is like to work at a place with literally, shitty restrooms. But we are all polite, respectful women and I feel that it is very rude to not check the seat after you use the ladies room to make sure you are not leaving something there that shouldn’t be there. I mean, seriously THAT is gross. I think if you don’t clean up after yourself you should have to wear a diaper. Too harsh? Nah, I don’t think so!
Aren't you glad I am back to blogging?!
Monday, March 01, 2010
My Apologies….
Loyal readers, please accept my most sincere apologies for my lack of blogging of late. I did not realize it had been over a week since my last blog post. I mean, Heavens to Murgatroyd I honestly do not know what has come over me! I will make a much better effort in the coming week to not just write more but also make comments on all the lovely posts written by each of you that I have missed.
Again, I am sorry for my lack of blogging and I hope you will forgive me.
Your Friend,
Again, I am sorry for my lack of blogging and I hope you will forgive me.
Your Friend,
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