Friday, July 13, 2007

Just Thinking...

So it has been a couple weeks that I have been out of a job and I just thought I would write down some things I am feeling and/or noticing. Now, I am keeping in mind my it is only going on week 3 and I am SURE these will change the longer I am out of a job.

1. Filing for unemployment SUCKS. It takes forever, there is tons of paper work and I hate that you have to keep up on it. Obviously they make it this way so people will get annoyed and find a job and/or stop filing for it. But I just am annoyed with it.

2. There are more people than I thought who are out and about during the day. Granted, it is summer so people are on break/vacations or whatever. But I was really surprised that it is actually busier during the day (at stores and stuff) then in the evenings during the week!

3. I am not craving and drinking coffee as much as I did when I was working. I would want it everyday and drink it a few times a week while I was working. Now, I have had coffee twice since I left! sorry starbucks!

4. I am busier than what I thought I would be. There are alot of things that need to be done around the house and I was surprised at how much I did have to keep me occupied! It is nice!

5. IF we were in the position to afford it, I wouldn't mind being a housewife. I know, I say it now...who knows how I will feel in a few weeks. But I enjoy the duties of a housewife, making dinner, making sure the bills are paid, organizing, having time to workout, laundry, (things I did before...but now have time to enjoy them)! I know it sounds 1950's....but I just like the idea of doing something that makes both me and my husband happy. (of course this will never I am enjoying it now)

6. My cats are lazy! All these little animals do is sleep ALL freak'n day. They may come out every once in a while to eat or take care of business...but they pretty much are over the fact that I am home all day and just sleep. Granted, they are animals....I just thought they did more than sleep 22 hours a day!

7. I can't sleep. I am having a hard time sleeping....alot on my mind. In fact it is 2:30 am now and I am wide awake. I don't sleep-in either, but for some reason my mind will not let me sleep. It is getting old.

8. I like that I can meet up with my husband at lunch. We haven't been able to do that for 5 years (since college) and it is nice to see him and share that time with him during the day.

9. I am not on the computer as much and therefore not blogging AND not up on all the celebrity gossip. It is kinda a nice break from the computer world.

10. I miss my friends at work. I miss talking to them, "IMing" them, hearing about their days, joking around, seeing them, and just being a direct part of their lives. It is hard when you go from seeing people that much to not seeing them everyday. And it is definatly lonely when you are the only one home all day and everyone else is working.

So, I am sure I will have more thoughts on being home. Currently, I am giving it an A-


  1. We miss you too! It's definitely different and sad without you. But we're always thinking about you!

    It is nice to hear that you are doing ok. Staying positive is the hardest part and it sounds like you're doing a good job of that. You're awesome!

  2. i'm glad you are trying to make the best of this phase of life. hang in there and you never know what's around the corner.
