Thursday, July 19, 2007

Talk to me....

(Not my jewelry)

Ok, I have some questions on jewelry!!

I have just unpacked a box of my jewelry from our move nearly 8 months ago! (I know - sad) The jewelry was pretty much just costume/fashion jewelry...not my good stuff. As I was going through the box, I came upon some older jewelry that had become slightly tarnished and jewelry that had become tangled together.

So here are my questions.

1. How can I clean this jewelry to get it sparkling again? Some rings, earrings, chains...stuff like that.


2. How do you store your jewelry? I have alot of jewelry. I keep my "good" jewelry in the boxes they came in...but have NO idea how and where to keep all my necklaces and bracelets so they won't get tangled and so I can easily access them!

Any ideas on these two things?


  1. For the good stuff:
    Either jewelry cleaner or those silver cloths work well. This sounds crazy, but if you put toothpaste on the item and let it dry, wash it off and it will sparkle. Not joking.

    For the costume/fun stuff:
    I bought a big tackle box. There are so many and they all have different compartments and sections, it is great. I love it.

  2. Oh, the tackle box is a great idea! And the toothpaste - how clever!! I can't wait to try that! Thanks!

  3. sterling silver: use silver polish

    any gems, other than pearls: jewelry cleaner is best. i've also heard baking soda works, but have never tried it.

    for necklaces, bracelets: i have a medium size jewelry box with a section for hanging those items.
