Friday, July 13, 2007

Talk to me....

(Sorry about the feet picture)

So question. I am trying to find a nice summer toe nail polish color and I seem to be in a rut.

I was going with clear for awhile (just because it was easy), then went to a red, tried black, and then tried purple. Now all of which were nice...but I got bored. So I was reading a magazine and saw someone with a fairly bright white toe nail polish on.

So I went to the store and tried some. However, I am not sure. Terry said it looked like white-out on my feet! (did you ever put white-out on your nails when you were a kid...I did all the time!!)

So anyways, my question is...are we doing white nail polish on our toes? Is this in style? Is it cute only if you have a tan? I just don't know about it. And how about any suggestions on cute summer nail polish for our toes?


  1. I don't know about white nail polish. I think I'd have to see it.

    I used to LOVE to wear fun nail polish colors on my toes. Blue. Purple. Green. Those were my faves. Now that I'm old and boring, I always get 'I'm Not Really a Waitress' when I get pedicures (really dark red).

    (P.S. I love pedicures and the fun names of polish.)

  2. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I am a big fan of natural colors. OPI has a lot to choose from. I am currently wearing "Always a Bridesmaid." Natural colors are great because, if it happens to chip, it is not very noticeable.

  3. I agree...natural colors. I pick a bronzy brown for the summer. It is nice and light but still polish. I think mine is OPI latte or something like that.

  4. I agree - OPI is the best. Stays put very well.

    I like the natural colors, too. I had a nice really light, tannish-pink on my toes for a while. It went with EVERYTHING.

    I'd do the white-out white, why not?! It's summer.
