Monday, August 20, 2007

I Love...

I Love my new HP photosmart Printer!!!

I got it for my birthday but just had my parents up this weekend and FINALLY installed it! It only took me about 10 seconds to love it!!!

Besides being SO cute, small and shinny, it is a GREAT GREAT piece of equipment to have. You can plug it into your computer and work off your computer to adjust your photos or you can plug your digital camera photo card right in to the printer and work off it. It prints BEAUTIFUL pictures that are of such a high quality!

This is seriously a must have! I am going picture printing crazy!!!

(Thanks again mom and dad!)


  1. I had to babysit last weekend and had no idea what to do with the girls. So, using my digital camera, we went on a scavenger hunt of their house, looking for something for every letter of the alphabet (apple, ball, couch, dog, etc.). Then I used my PhotoSmart to print them out and make a book.

    I definitely recommend this craft if you are ever babysitting young kids on a rainy day. The printer was a godsend.

  2. How awesome is technology? Congrats on your new toy.

  3. Yay for technology, W.K. I think there is no better gift for a woman. Really.

    How nice that it was so nice and easy to use.

