Monday, August 23, 2010

Shameless Plug or Fun Invitation?! Tastefully Simple is in the House!!

Beer Bread and Mixes and Desserts....OH MY!!!

So my wonderful cousin who lives in my hometown has decided to become a Tastefully Simple consultant. Now as my cousin is gracious enough to drive 3 hours and I have been considering becoming a consultant up here, cannot turn down a party, and can definitely NOT turn down a party all about FOOD I am going to be hosting a party of my own on Saturday, September 25 at 2:00p.m.!

I am sending out an open invitation (so you can get an invitation) to anyone who would like to come over to my house for a few delightful Tastefully Simple treats or would like to order something in anticipation of the Fall and Winter months!

Just so you know, the new Fall-Winter Catalog will be out very soon and since I saw a sneak peek I can say it is jammed packed with all of your old favorites as well as SOOOO many tasty treats specifically for the colder months! Plus there are over 25 NEW products available! Not to be bias, but the Fall catalog is my favorite…as it is hard to go wrong with Oh My! Chia, Pumpkin Patch Bread Mix, and Creamy Potato Soup! *drool*

So if you are looking for some delicious and easy items to help you through the holidays, gift ideas for friends/family, or just want to try some delectable food please let me know!

Please feel free to comment on the blog and leave your email or email me at if you are interested in receiving an invitation to the party so you can hang out with me and eat some fun food or if you would like a link so you can purchase stuff online!! I have a list already started, but just so I do not forget anyone please let me know by Sunday as I will be sending out invitations then!!

1 comment:

  1. First off - tell me how much I owe you so that I can PAY you for my last order. Secondly, I know that Nadja wants some stuff. She actually emailed me YESTERDAY and asked me if I knew of anyone who sold Tastefully Simple. Do you have her email address?
