Monday, August 16, 2010


Someone very special to all of us is having a birthday today!!! (And may also find out the gender of her newest pretzel!)

Happy Birthday to Kylee over at TwoPretzels.

Kylee, I think everyone would agree with me in saying that you are one of the kindest, funniest, most creative, stylish, beautiful people we know…seriously you are just wonderful. And besides being such an awesome person with fantastic hair, you are an amazing mother and a truly wonderful friend. Oh, and your blog just rocks.

I am soooo glad to have met you that fateful day at OCC and am truly inspired by the strong, confident and amazing women you are!

Happy Birthday my friend!!

Sending HUGS to you today. Love you


  1. YES! Well said. HB to Kylee.

  2. I totally agree about her wonderful-ness! She's great! :)

  3. I love you, W.K.

    What a kind post. What a sweet thing.

    Reading this was like receiving one of your FABULOUS hugs from across the miles. (Wish I was closer so I could get a real one.)

    I think you're great. And thank you for being my friend.


  4. Lovely.

    Happy Birthday to Kylee!
