Thursday, November 30, 2006

I Need These Today!

So today we are closing on the condo so my best friend today are tums! It is a nervous excited feeling I get! I got it before the wedding, before any of the events I plan, before flying, even before I played basketball in high school! I just have a nervous belly! So to quiet my belly down today I am eating an extremly large number of Tums to help! (P.S. I think Tums taste great - maybe b/c I eat them so much I forced myself to like them!)

Thank you Tums, you seriously rock!

(2 hours till closing)


  1. Congrats!!!

    Hope your hand doesn't get tired of the seemingly endless amount of signing you have to do!

    (I think TUMS taste pretty good myself. I'm especially fond of the berry ones!)

  2. CONGRATS!!!!


    (I love tums.)
