Sunday, October 08, 2006

Our Cat Thinks She is the Next Mia Hamm

So we got our cats these little plastic balls with bells in the middle to play with. They were like 6 for $1.50 who could pass that up?!?!

Well Belle loves them, plays with them all the time! She is so cute and it is building up her little kitten paw/eye coordination :-) She is awesome with these little balls and will play with them for hours or until she loses another one under the stove, but I suppose that is why there are 6 in a pack!

The first couple days she was SO cute playing with her new toys but now I am getting a little tired of them. I can block them out for the most part while we watch TV. It is annoying but I can usually stay focused on the show while still hearing the annoying little sound of the bell. But the past few mornings we have also been waken up by the sounds of belle practicing for the Womens Soccer Team! Her path this lovely sunday morning was into our bedroom (play play play) down the hall (play play play) in the kitchen/living room (play play play) back down the hall and back into our bedroom. Repeat for an hour or so! UGH!!!! Now those reading this who have kids I know are rolling their eyes as you should because I know kids wake you up early and have loud toys and such. But for us newlyweds who have no desire to have kids for another 3-4 years and who get one morning a week to sleep in together - this is annoying!

I won't take her toys away (because at least she is not messing with us, the other cat, the pens/my make up or anything else we have laying around the apartment). I will get use to them in time but I highly suggest for those with active pets who don't necessarily sleep when you do - STAY AWAY FROM ROLLING TOYS THAT MAKE NOISE!!!! Just a little tid-bit :-D



    I bet this is precisely why parents stay away from all toys musical for their children.



    I bet this is precisely why parents stay away from all toys musical for their children.

