Thursday, December 07, 2006

No Gunn???


So apparently Tim Gunn has not yet signed his contract for season 4 of Project Runway! Now this doesn't mean they will not work something out but in the article it says that his first priority is to Parson's..."it pays his bills". I actually think that is very responsible, it IS his job and I respect him more for being loyal to his job and not the fame of a hit TV show!

However, I would say that if they could not reach a comprimise to filming around his job and he didn't come back I don't think I would watch it. I really don't like Nina or Michael that much and it wouldn't be the same without Tim!

I am not here to worry anyone, because I am sure it will work HAS to work out (they will MAKE IT WORK!)


  1. A friend of mine told me that decisions regarding new seasons and new shows are often not made until after the holidays.

    So, expect that Mr. Gunn signs on after Christmas.

  2. (Oh, and there really would be no reason to watch the show if Tim weren't involved.)
