Thursday, November 02, 2006

Put Down the Donut!

So I saw this article on today. It is about a Police Chief in Winter Haven (personal shout out to my friend in WH) who got fired because he sent a memo out to the cops in his department suggesting those who are not in shape lose weight. Now the title of his memo which was “Are you a jelly belly” may not have been the most positive title but I think the point remains the same…should cops be required to stay in shape and take regular fitness tests after they have been hired? Some places require this some, like Winter Haven require no additional physical testing after their initial fitness test to get hired. But as a cop should it be mandatory everywhere that if you are out in the field you should maintain a certain physical level to continue your job?

Here is what the Chief said…..
“In his memo, titled "Are You a Jelly Belly," the chief never singled anyone out, and apart from the title, didn't call anyone names.

Instead, he provided a list of 10 reasons police officers should be in shape. He said overweight police poorly represent the profession, poop out when chasing suspects and might have to resort to "a higher level of force" if a criminal got the upper hand in a fight. He said out-of-shape cops are a liability to the city and their families.

"Take a good look at yourself," he wrote. "If you are unfit, do yourself and everyone else a favor. See a professional about a proper diet and a fitness training program, quit smoking, limit alcohol intake and start thinking self-pride, confidence and respectability. And stop making excuses for delaying what you know you should have been doing years ago. We didn't hire you unfit and we don't want you working unfit. Don't mean to offend, this is just straight talk. I owe it to you."

Click Here for the full article

I have to agree with him. If you are a cop, in the field, then you should be in some sort of good shape and I think that all cops should be required to take yearly fitness tests. It is part of the job to stay in shape. I defiantly don’t think this alone should have caused him to get fired. Apparently this memo hurt some other cop/s feelings - whatever!!!!

1 comment:

  1. People can't do anything these days without getting fired or sued! Ridiculous!

    I don't think he did anything wrong at all. I'd much rather have healthy, fit police officers defending me and my community.
