Monday, August 10, 2015

21 Day Fix – Week 1 Complete

So I completed my first week of the 21 Day Fix and I couldn’t be more THRILLED with the results and how I am feeling.

You guys.

This program is legit!  IT. WORKS.

I have been trying some sort of diet on and off my entire life.  None work, or at least they only work short term.  And you already know of my struggles the past four months not losing weight and being stuck at the same spot.  So going in I had this weird ying and yang of positive and negative thinking. (“Maybe this will actually work!!  Maybe like everything else, this won’t work for me either.”)

And as someone who has struggled with weight issues my entire life and has a hard time losing weight because I love food so much and most diets restrict all foods, I wasn’t sure what sort of results I would see.

But this is NOT A DIET.  It is a lifestyle change.  A program to reset not only your body but the way you look and think about food.

I admit, going into it I was a bit overwhelmed.  I meal plan, but I felt I needed to OVER plan.  I wasn’t sure how much food would fit into the containers so I didn’t know how much to buy.  Would I be hungry?  Would I have time for this? And working out EVERY DAY, seriously, I can barely workout ONE day.

But I needed to try.  I wanted to try.

Day one my biggest issue was my coffee.  I believe I literally thought about my coffee and creamer 85% of the day. Addicted much?!?!  I talked about this in my previous post HERE.

My husband’s insightful words, really stuck with me: “Stop thinking about the coffee and think about how much better you will feel in a few weeks, let alone a few months.”

I have repeated this to myself nearly every day.  And it wasn’t just in reference to the coffee it was in reference to everything.  It was about working out.  It was about clean eating.  It was about taking care of MYSELF.

I want this.  Oh, you have no idea how bad I want to succeed and get this extra weight off.

So I just did it and did the best I could.

My fears were quickly put to rest by one simple thing…..the facebook group I am involved in.

This is key. 

They are going through the SAME THING. 

They have days where they do not want to workout or their bodies are so sore they can’t walk.  They have days where they eat that cheeseburger or scone instead of their containers of food.  They have days where they do not want to prep One. More. Meal.  Holy shit...they are just like me and I am not the only one thinking these things!!!  

They also have days where they shine!  They fit that workout in, even at 9:30 at night.  They follow their meal plan exactly!  They lose weight and/or feel better!  

We encourage, motivate and inspire each other to keep going.  It is amazing.  Even after only a week, you feel that comradery and genuine support.

So instead of getting discouraged after day 1 (no coffee and a very hard workout) and putting my DVD’s back on the shelf with all my other dust collected DVD’s I only used for a short time…I pushed through.  I felt like I needed to push through for them…I didn’t want to be the ONLY one not doing the workout!!  I mean, we all felt like shit after a hard workout, why should I be the only one who didn’t.

I committed to 21 days. 

It is only 21 days. 

I can do this. 

WE can do this.

One week in, you wouldn’t believe how much easier* things have gotten!!

I am getting through my workouts out with more strength!  I still modify almost all the moves, but I am doing it and I feel stronger!  Even daily tasks around the house seem to come easier.  Yes, I have been pretty much sore since last Monday…but that shows I am working hard, right!!

I have energy!  I am drinking HALF the amount of coffee I was before I started and with only a teaspoon of raw sugar.  I drink one cup in the morning and one after lunch.  And I still have FAR more energy than I have had in YEARS!

I am eating well and following the program!  I haven’t been craving salts and sugars nearly as much as I thought I would.  I think because I AM eating and eating a lot, I am not hungry.  That processed sugar isn’t making me want more food, I have natural sugars in my body that are keeping it energized and sustained throughout the day.

I am losing weight and inches!  This is no joke, the first week I lost 6 lbs and 10.5 inches.  Stop it.  JUST STOP.  I didn’t believe it at first, even though I can feel the changes.  I think that right there speaks for the program.  And I know this won’t continue at this drastic of a pace, but still it happened and I hope to see some continued results!

So that is WEEK ONE!! 

Some may ask (because I have already asked myself the same things):

“Your only one week in, you are just trying to sell things, that is why you are so enthusiastic about a program.” (Nope. I am not a coach!  And even if I was or become one, what I am “selling” is the happiness and excitement that comes with making HUGE changes in your life after decades of struggling to make those changes.  This is someone who is very overweight and finding something that is working and I am beyond thrilled.) 

“Ok, how can you really love this so much if you have only done it for one week??”
(Because I FEEL and SEE the difference!!  If this is how I feel after ONE week, I can only imagine how I will feel after three weeks or three months!!)

“You won’t feel like this in a couple more weeks, the newness will wear off.”
(I think the hardest part is over.  That first week.  That isn’t at all to say this still isn’t hard, because it IS and will be.  But from this point on every week will get a little better and I am seeing that now!  Even if I plateau again, I am working out…the thing I have been dreading and avoiding since, well forever.)

And believe, I know the excitement will wear off a bit and I will want real pizza and not a pita pizza like I am having tonight.  I know I will want that slice of cake or a hot fudge sundae and not banana "ice cream".  I know there will be days I don’t work out.

But that is the beauty of this…if I can maintain this for at least 90% of the time and have 10% for those extra treats then it is still great and I am still moving forward and being as healthy as I can be!! (90/10 philosophy HERE)

Here are some things I ate this week!!
Look at this weekend lunch!!!

Typical work lunch. 

Went out to eat and made the "right" choices!  tasty! 

Fajita night!!  Limited the oils and had an amazing and filling meal!

Breakfast on the weekend done right!!!  
Goat cheese omelet with sauteed spinach and mushrooms and turkey bacon...with a side of fruit!)

Dessert...YES PLEASE!  
Banana "ice cream" with peanut butter, cocoa powder and mini chocolate chips!

Portabella mushrooms with an egg INSIDE!  
Spinach and grilled chicken, pita and some hummus.  Delicious.

I will post before and after pictures and my final thoughts after the program is over in two weeks!!!

*I say easier, but this is not easy.  I am just getting better with every passing day.

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